제 목 | 2015년 한국동력기계공학회 추계학술대회 논문 수록
작성자 | 관리자
조회수 | 1370
날짜 | 2015-12-15 10:39:22
2015년 한국동력기계공학회 추계학술대회 논문집에 하기와 같이 논문을 공동으로 발표하였습니다.

■ 논문 제목
- Al-Si-Mg계 합금의 산소 및 황화수소 환경에서의 고온부식 거동(한)
- High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Al-Si-Mg Alloys in O2 and H2S/H2 Enviroments(영)

■ Abstract
This paper was studied on the high temperature corrosion characteristics of Al-Si-Mg alloys in Air, O2 and H2S/H2 environments. The chemical composition of aluminum alloys were (1) A1–Al7Si0.4Mg alloy and (2) A2–Al1Si1Mg alloy. The weight gain and the reaction rate constants of the A1 and A2 alloys were measured in the air, oxidation and sulfidation environments at 773K. The weight gain showed parabolic behavior in air and oxygen environments. The weight gain in the hydrogen sulfide environment was showed linearly behavior. After dry corrosion test, the corroded surface was observed using XPS. The Al2O3 and MgO compounds were detected in the surface of Al-Si-Mg alloys in the oxygen environment and Al2O3 and Al2 (SO4)3 compounds were detected in the hydrogen sulfide environment. Al-Si-Mg alloys showed a good corrosion resistance in an air and oxygen environment but their resistance were rapidly decreased in a hydrogen sulfide environment.

■ 논문집 수록 : pp 157-158

■ 논문 연구자
- 부경대학교 : 이병우 교수, 이영환 석사
- (주)에이엠씨 : 손영진 이사(박사)

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